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GC Lavender Grey Tea

We start with a delicious Darjeerling black tea from estates near the Kanchenjunga Mountains in China, grown without chemical pesticides. We add culinary lavender from our fields in Yorkville, Kendall County, IL, plus organic bergamot oil to create a unique Earl Gray.1.5oz

Earl Gray Lavender – Black Tea 1.5oz
We start with a delicious Darjeeling black tea from estates near the Kanchenjunga Mountains in China, grown without chemical pesticides. We add culinary lavender from our fields in Yorkville, Kendall County, IL, plus organic bergamot oil to create a unique Earl Gray. Steep 1 Tbsp. for 3 minutes and you’ve got a tea fit for a King (or at least an Earl!)

Pairs well with our Lavender Honey or our very own GC Lavender Syrup and Lavender Shortbread Cookies.

This tea is great iced as well!

How many cups of tea will I get? We estimate our 1.5 oz. package will yield 22 or so 6 oz. cups (more if you steep twice) depending upon how strong you like your tea.

As with all our culinary treats, made fresh to be eaten fresh. (Savored not saved.)

Item Info

All our teas can be double-brewed. Start with 1 teaspoon and brew 3 minutes, then grab another cup and do it again!

GC Lavender is an artisan micro-farm featuring culinary lavender locally grown and organically delivered through our unique collection of gourmet specialties.

Borne of a desire to connect creatively with the land and to our community, GC Lavender from Gallery’s Choice embraces the numerous beneficial aspects of the “farm-to-table” concept, including eating fresh, locally grown food, and eating well via the creativity of true gourmet artisanship.


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